Operationel risiko – måling og styring
Kursus i København
Dette kursus giver dig værktøjer til effektivt at kunne styre den operationelle risiko i en finansiel institution. Du lærer om kapitalkrav til oper...
Kursus i København
Dette kursus giver dig værktøjer til effektivt at kunne styre den operationelle risiko i en finansiel institution. Du lærer om kapitalkrav til oper...
Kursus i København
Kurset giver dig en detaljeret viden om, hvilke værktøjer der findes til at måle og styre likviditetsrisiko. Du lærer også, hvordan man kan stres...
Kursus i København
Kurset er relevant for dig, der har brug for en forståelse af, hvordan klimarisiko både udgør en selvstændig risikofaktor og påvirker vores tradi...
Kursus i Oslo
This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The ed...
Kursus i Oslo
This course enables you to measure and control the market risk portfolios of securities. The course is aimed at employees who deal with risk managemen...
Kursus i Oslo
The course will give you an understanding of how financial institutions should manage climate risk. Climate risk in the financial sector comes primari...
Kursus i Stockholm
The course will give you an understanding of how financial institutions should manage climate risk. Climate risk in the financial sector comes primari...
Kursus i Oslo
The course will give you a detailed knowledge of how to manage credit risk and which techniques are employed. You will learn how to estimate and use t...
Kursus i Oslo
This course will provide you with tools that will help you manage the operational risk of a financial institution effectively. You will learn how to b...
Kursus i Oslo
The course will give you a detailed knowledge of how to manage liquidity risk and which techniques are employed. You will learn how to stresstest your...
Kursus i København
Denne uddannelse er relevant for medarbejdere i den finansielle sektor, der ønsker en bred og dyb forståelse for de værktøjer, der anvendes til st...
Kursus i København
Dette kursus gør dig i stand til at måle og styre markedsrisikoen på værdipapirporteføljer. Kurset henvender sig til medarbejdere, der beskæftig...
Kursus i Stockholm
This course enables you to measure and control the market risk portfolios of securities. The course is aimed at employees who deal with risk managemen...
Kursus i Stockholm
This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The ed...
Kursus i København
Kurset giver dig en detaljeret viden om de forskellige metoder, der findes til at måle og styre kreditrisiko. Du lærer, hvordan de centrale kreditpa...
Kursus i Stockholm
The course will give you a detailed knowledge of how to manage credit risk and which techniques are employed. You will learn how to estimate and use t...
Kursus i Stockholm
This course will provide you with tools that will help you manage the operational risk of a financial institution effectively. You will learn how to b...
Kursus i Stockholm
The course will give you a detailed knowledge of how to manage liquidity risk and which techniques are employed. You will learn how to stresstest your...