Vi tilbyder
- Pedagogical instructor with practical experience
- Instructor with extensive theoretical knowledge
- Tools you can directly apply in your daily work
- Final exam and certificate of completion
We place great emphasis on interaction. Therefore, the education will be a combination of pre-recorded lectures divided into a library of comprehensive modules, including mid- and post-module quizzes.
The course includes:
• A pre-recorded training, where you will get exercises and solutions as part of the training.
• Possibility to ask questions and get answers within 24 hours.
• Final exam and certificate of completion
• Six months access to the course
• 100% self-paced e-learning on demand. You decide when and at what pace you want to take the course.
• A training that is suitable for viewing on both computer and mobile.
You must set aside approx. 12-15 hours for the education.
The education will give you a detailed knowledge of the aspects of derivatives and the related risk and clearing aspects. The education consists of 18 modules covering:
• Introduction to futures/forwards
• Introduction to options
• Hedging with futures/forwards
• Hedging with options
• Valuation of futures/forwards
• Valuation of options
• Operational Risk Management on Derivatives
• Delta Normal VaR on Derivatives
• Historical Simulation-based Value at Risk on Derivatives
• Monte Carlo Simulation-based Value at Risk on Derivatives
• Stresstesting of Derivatives
• Counterparty Risk Measurement
• Counterparty Risk Management
• Central Clearing Parties
• Legislation
• The Greeks
• Volatility
• Risk
• Backoffice
• Compliance Personnel
• Internal Auditors
• Financial Authorities
• Consultants
• Front Office
Basic conceptual understanding of options and futures is recommended but not required as it will be possible to take introductory modules on futures/forwards and options.
Jørgen er adm. direktør og stiftede Financial Training Partner A/S i 2002.
Han har mange års undervisningserfaring fra Financial Training Partner og som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursusafdeling, hvor han startede i 1996. Før SimCorp arbejdede han i Danske Bank med salg og analyse af obligationer.
Jørgen har arbejdet i flere år som ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han blev kåret som årets underviser på HD, Finansiel Rådgivning.
Han er forfatter til bøgerne Finansiel Risikostyring og Finansielle Derivater udgivet på Djøf Forlag.
Han er uddannet og HD(R)
Jørgen underviser i Derivater, Risikostyring, Porteføljestyring og Fixed Income