Certified Risk Manager
Kursus i Oslo
This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The ed...
Vores finansielle kurser giver dig praktiske værktøjer til at løse de problemer, du møder i dit daglige arbejde. Se vores store udvalg af kurser.
Kursus i Oslo
This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The ed...
Kursus i Copenhagen
This education is relevant for anyone working with fixed income products. The certification program takes you through the essential markets, products ...
Kursus i Oslo
The education is relevant for people who work with or support front office in a financial institution or a treasury department in a corporate company....
Kursus i København
Denne uddannelse er relevant for medarbejdere i den finansielle sektor, der ønsker en bred og dyb forståelse for de værktøjer, der anvendes til st...
Kursus i København
Kurset er relevant for dig, der har brug for en forståelse af, hvordan klimarisiko både udgør en selvstændig risikofaktor og påvirker vores tradi...
Kursus i Oslo
This course enables you to measure and control the market risk portfolios of securities. The course is aimed at employees who deal with risk managemen...
Kursus i Oslo
This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The ed...
Kursus i Oslo
The course will give you an understanding of how financial institutions should manage climate risk. Climate risk in the financial sector comes primari...
Kursus i Copenhagen
This education is relevant for anyone working with fixed income products. The certification program takes you through the essential markets, products ...
Kursus i Copenhagen
The course gives you an understanding of the Scandinavian bond market; i.e. the various bond types on the market, the risk measures and when to invest...
Kursus i Oslo
The education is relevant for people who work with or support front office in a financial institution or a treasury department in a corporate company....
Kursus i Copenhagen
Since the financial crisis, hedging, trading, pricing and risk measurement of fixed income derivatives have changed. The course will provide you with ...
Kursus i Copenhagen
Investments in alternative asset classes have boomed over the past years. This course gives you insight into the various types of alternative investme...
Kursus i Copenhagen
This course in portfolio management gives you hands-on tools to successfully optimize portfolios. The course is relevant for employees in the pension ...
Kursus i Tórshavn
Afkastmåling og -rapportering er en disciplin fyldt med faldgruber. Hvordan bør man som forvalter opgøre afkast og risiko på fonde og private mark...
Kursus i Copenhagen
This comprehensive course will take you through all the major aspects of Performance Measurement. We will go through the pitfalls of calculating retur...
Kursus i København
Kurset giver dig indsigt i realkreditmarkedet, herunder lovgivning omkring likviditetskrav, kreditrisiko, ratings mm. Du får en solid indsigt i konve...
Kursus i Copenhagen
This education is relevant for anyone working with fixed income products. The certification program takes you through the essential markets, products ...
Kursus i Copenhagen
The course gives you an understanding of the Scandinavian bond market; i.e. the various bond types on the market, the risk measures and when to invest...
Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os, hvis du har spørgsmål eller gerne vil vide mere om et af vores kurser.