Operational Risk Management – Online Course


This course will provide you with tools that will help you manage the operational risk of a financial institution effectively. You will learn how to build an internal and external database, how to perform scenario analysis and how to find Key Risk Indicators and make Risk Control Self-Assessment. You will also learn how to assess the capital requirements for banks and insurance companies.

Dette kursus udbydes også som fysisk kursus. Læs mere.

Hvordan foregår online kurset?

We place great emphasis on interaction. Therefore, the training will be a combination of recorded training, exercises and guidance. The course includes:

  • A recorded class room training without participants, where you will get exercises and solutions as part of the training.
  • Possibility to ask questions and get answers within 24 hours.
  • Two months access to the course. You decide when and at what pace you want to follow the recorded training.
  • A training that is suitable for viewing on both computer and mobile.

You must set aside approx. 1 working day for the course.


– Framework for Operational Risk Management
– Key Risk Indicators
– Heat Maps
– Operational Risk Self Assessment (ORSA)
– Building a Loss Database
– Using External Data
– Mitigation of Risk
– Capital Requirements for Operational Risk (Basic Indicator, Standard Method and AMA)

Se kursusprogram

Hvem henvender kurset sig til?

– Risk Managers
– Internal Auditors
– Accountants
– Backoffice Employees
– Controllers
– Managers
– Compliance
– Regulators
– Account Managers


The course requires no specific prior knowledge apart from a general understanding of financial institutions.

Anmeldelser af Operational Risk Management (6)

07 okt 2021

Operational Risk Management

Both theory and practice were very nice

Sonya Mirzaikamrani

Kommuninvest AB

07 okt 2021

Operational Risk Management

Great course! Really good at explaining.

Andreas Mattsson

Trustly Group

17 dec 2019

Operational Risk Management

Some things familiar and lot of inspiration to use. A good combination between theory and practice. The instructor was easy to understand. He communicated effectively on a high level.

Stefan Dahl

ISEC Services

17 dec 2019

Operational Risk Management

Great overall run through of operational risk that is applicable in my field. Good mix between theory and practice as well as interesting insights from other course participants. The instructor has high competence within the area, he is good communicator and great at keeping motivation up.

Mathilda Keino

Volvo Group Treasury

17 dec 2019

Operational Risk Management

Highly recommended course covering wide variety of risk. Very good material (theory and examples) provided. Good presentation and enough breaks. The instructor has very good knowledge and experience.

Gunther Lorbeer

Paysafecard.com Wertkarten GmbH

04 jun 2019

Operational Risk Management

Good with the combination of PPT, writing and excell

Evelina Kalmnäs Lindqvist

Förste AP-Fonden

Instruktør på dette kursus

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen er adm. direktør og stiftede Financial Training Partner A/S i 2002.

Han har mange års undervisningserfaring fra Financial Training Partner og som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursusafdeling, hvor han startede i 1996. Før SimCorp arbejdede han i Danske Bank med salg og analyse af obligationer.

Jørgen har arbejdet i flere år som ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han blev kåret som årets underviser på HD, Finansiel Rådgivning.

Han er forfatter til bøgerne Finansiel Risikostyring og Finansielle Derivater udgivet på Djøf Forlag.

Han er uddannet cand.merc.int og HD(R)

Jørgen underviser i Derivater, Risikostyring, Porteføljestyring og Fixed Income

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