Excel in Finance – Online Course


This Excel course will give you a detailed knowledge of how to use Excel for financial analysis. The course is strictly linked to the World of Investing/Finance: Optimizing portfolios, setting up cash flows, calculating key figures, administrating and reporting of portfolios, performing stresstests etc.

Dette kursus udbydes også som fysisk kursus. Læs mere.

Hvordan foregår online kurset?

The course is structured around a number of topics. To insure an optimal learning, each topic consists of:

• A video explaining the practical use of the topic – i.e. how to use the scenario manager for stresstesting etc.
• A video showing how to use it for practical purposes
• An exercise where you get to solve a similar exercise
• A video showing how the exercise should be solved

The course includes:

• Possibility to ask questions and get answers within 24 hours.
•  Two months access to the course
•  100% self-paced e-learning on demand.

You must set aside approx. 2 working days for the course.


• Date and Time Functions
• Financial Functions
• The Logical Library
• Lookup and Reference Library
• Build your own Bond Calculator (Duration, Price, Cash Flows)
• The Goal Seek (Yield-to-Maturity and Implied Volatility)
• Solver (Set up the Efficient Frontier, Optimize the Porfolio)
• Scenario Manager (Stresstesting a Portfolio)
• The Database Library
• Pivot Tables (Reporting and Administrating a Portfolio)
• The Function Library
• Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall (Simulation-based, Delta Normal)
• Formatting and Combo Boxes

Hvem henvender kurset sig til?

• Risk Managers
• Risk Controllers
• Treasurers
• Investors
• Analysts
• Backoffice
• Fund Managers
• Account Managers
• IT-employees
• Financial Authorities
• Internal Auditors
• Compliance


A basic knowledge of financial instruments is an advantage. Whenever there is a new topic, you can choose to watch an introduction video to get familiar with the theory behind. As an example, you can watch a video explaining the various bond key figures before learning how to implement it in Excel.

Anmeldelser af dette kursus

Instruktør på dette kursus

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen er adm. direktør og stiftede Financial Training Partner A/S i 2002.

Han har mange års undervisningserfaring fra Financial Training Partner og som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursusafdeling, hvor han startede i 1996. Før SimCorp arbejdede han i Danske Bank med salg og analyse af obligationer.

Jørgen har arbejdet i flere år som ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han blev kåret som årets underviser på HD, Finansiel Rådgivning.

Han er forfatter til bøgerne Finansiel Risikostyring og Finansielle Derivater udgivet på Djøf Forlag.

Han er uddannet cand.merc.int og HD(R)

Jørgen underviser i Derivater, Risikostyring, Porteføljestyring og Fixed Income

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