Introduction to Derivatives


This course is relevant for anyone working with derivatives. The course gives you a thorough introduction to the wide range of derivatives: swaps, credit derivatives, futures, options, forwards, repos, FRAs and interest rate options. You will learn about the use of relevant derivatives, market conventions, pricing and risk considerations etc. illustrated with practical cases and examples.


The Swedish derivatives market
Central Clearing
Futures, forwards, terminer
Repos and reverse repos
Forward rate agreements (FRAs)
Interest rate and cross currency swaps
Caps and floors
Credit derivatives

Hvem henvender kurset sig til?

– Controllers
– Back and middle office personnel
– Account managers
– Portfolio managers
– Risk managers
– System developers
– Internal Auditors
– Compliance
– Operations
– Legal Employees
– Product Managers


No prior experience or special skills are required.

Anmeldelser af dette kursus (19)

16 okt 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

Highly relevant for my work. Covered many instruments/derivatives with good examples to illustrate how they work in real life. The instructor is easy to understand and is highly competent.

August Beckman

NOBA Bank Group

16 okt 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

Very good. I've learned a lot and it's relevant to my daily work. Jörgen did a great job! Very Pedagogical.

Jonas Holm

NOBA Bank Group

16 okt 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

The instructor has engaging and clear speach. Easy to follow explanations.

Isabel Oksnes

Storebrand Asset Management

16 okt 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

Highly relevant for the derivatives used in practice by Riksgälden. Good combination of theory and practice. Appreciated the real-life examples, makes it less abstract.

Axel Frederiksson

Swedish National Debt Office

16 okt 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

The instructor was good to take natural pauses between different subjects and difficult parts.

Øjvind Bjørnsrud

Storebrand Asset Management

08 maj 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

A good introduction that is relevant for my daily work. I got a deeper understanding of the different instruments and how they work. The instructor is easy to understand, motivating to listen to and had a good knowledge.

Ingelin Hoff-Engebretsen

Sparebanken Vest

08 maj 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

Highly relevant to my daily work. Good to have exercises. Instructor gives great examples. Great illustrations of cash flows and diagrams. The instructor is confident, speaks clear, frequently checks if anything is unclear.

Eskil Arntzen

Storebank Asset Management

08 maj 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

Despite having previous courses on this before, it was even more useful to learn this now as I can apply it directly to my work. It has been very useful to get a refresher and even better understanding. Very good instructor. He sits on a lot of knowledge and is very educational when communicating.

Mari Jore

Storebrand Asset Management

08 maj 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

Great examples and breakdown of different instruments and how they work in different markets. Nice to go through examples, where they are simplified, and go through the process and logic behind.

Alexander Williams

Sparebanken Vest

08 maj 2024

Introduction to Derivatives

The instructor was skilled, good communicator and interesting.

Harald Saksvik


17 okt 2023

Introduction to Derivatives

Would highly recommend this course for anyone working or interested in derivatives. The course covered all the instruments we use on a daily basis + additional ones accompanied by excellent examples that are relevant for us and our company. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and easy to understand.

Martin Fermin


17 okt 2023

Introduction to Derivatives

Very relevant to my daily work. Very experienced instructor that communicates well and making sure we have understood the theory by making us practice with examples and exercises.

Hanne Ryen Sme Vold

KLP Kapitalforvaltning

16 sep 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Very good, gave me a better understanding of different derivatives. Well balanced between theory and practice.

Piotr Wasberg Klawinski

Vattenfall AB

16 sep 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Good exercises overall.

Christofer Popoff


16 sep 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Fair amount of examples and good discussions.

Mari Aamo Pedersen

Sparebanken Vest

16 sep 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Good relation between theory and practice.

Terhi Timonen


15 mar 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Very good, presented all so you could understand almost everything. I wouldn't have done that at all otherwise.

Ewa Falklind

Akademiska Hus

15 mar 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Very interesting. Even if I don't encounter all instruments at work I have gained a better general understanding. Nice with actual examples. Perfect mix of discussions and passive teaching methods. The instructor is highly pedagogical.

Alexander Bengtsson


15 mar 2022

Introduction to Derivatives

Very good. Excellent balance of theory and practical examples/exercises.

Peter Schlegel



26 nov 2025 - 27 nov 2025

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Instruktør på dette kursus

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen er adm. direktør og stiftede Financial Training Partner A/S i 2002.

Han har mange års undervisningserfaring fra Financial Training Partner og som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursusafdeling, hvor han startede i 1996. Før SimCorp arbejdede han i Danske Bank med salg og analyse af obligationer.

Jørgen har arbejdet i flere år som ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han blev kåret som årets underviser på HD, Finansiel Rådgivning.

Han er forfatter til bøgerne Finansiel Risikostyring og Finansielle Derivater udgivet på Djøf Forlag.

Han er uddannet og HD(R)

Jørgen underviser i Derivater, Risikostyring, Porteføljestyring og Fixed Income

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