Certified Risk Manager – Online Education


This certification program is relevant for people working with risk management, risk control, internal audit, financial authorities or similar. The education will provide you with a broad and deep understanding of the various risk management techniques employed in financial institutions. You will learn how to measure and manage market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and operational risk. The education consists of three modules. After the final module you can take an exam and thereby become a Certified Risk Manager.

Dette kursus udbydes også som fysisk kursus. Læs mere.

Hvordan foregår online kurset?

The course includes:

• A pre-recorded training, where you will get exercises and solutions as part of the training.
• Possibility to ask questions and get answers within 24 hours.
• Final exam and certificate of completion
• Six months access to the course
• 100% self-paced e-learning on demand. You decide when and at what pace you want to take the course.
• A training that is suitable for viewing on both computer and mobile.

You must set aside approx. 2 working days for each module including small assignments and exam. The course takes approx. 6 days in total.


Module 1 Market Risk Measurement and Management

Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
Value at Risk
Delta Normal Approach
Historical Simulation-based VaR
Delta VaR, Component VaR and Incremental VaR
Duration and Key Rate Duration
Capital Requirements for Market Risk
The Greeks
Simple, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average and GARCH-volatility
Stresstesting and backtesting

Module 2 Credit Risk Measurement and Management

Credit Risk Modelling
Credit Risk and Capital Requirements
Managing Credit Risk using Credit Derivatives
KMV Moody’s
Counterparty Risk

Module 3 Operational Risk and Liquidity Risk

Operational Risk Management
Framework for Operational Risk Management
Key Risk Indicators
Heat Maps
Risk Control Self Assessment
Building a Loss Database
Using External Data
Mitigation of Risk
Capital Requirements for Insurance, Pension and Credit Institutions

Liquidity Risk Management
BIS recommendations on Liquidity Risk Management
Gap analysis
Net Stable Funding Ratio
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Funding analysis
Liquidity Risk and the Sub Prime Crises
Market Liquidity Risk

Hvem henvender kurset sig til?

Anyone wanting a deep as well as broad knowledge of how to measure and manage risk in a financial institution; among others:

– Risk Managers
– Internal Auditors
– Financial Authorities
– Middle Office Employees
– Back Office Employees
– Analysts
– Consultants
– Compliance
– Treasurers
– Regulators
– Operations
– Account Managers


The education requires an introductory understanding of risks in the financial industry.

Reviews of online courses (8)

18 jan 2023

Derivatives, Risk & Clearing

Course covers wide range of topics and is very well structured.

Karina Alesko


23 nov 2022

Derivatives, Risk and Clearing


Jannica Lindberg


07 nov 2022

Derivatives, Risk and Clearing

A deeper understanding of risk and derivatives trading. Useful to have such an insight in operations department. The instructor is well spoken and interesting. Very clever.

Emil Andersson


19 sep 2022

Derivatives, Risk and Clearing

The course was good, and the delivery of the sessions very clear. The instructor is excellent, very clear. This is a relatively tough course for someone of a non-mathematical background (for reference, having sat UK derivatives qualifying papers, the concepts here were far more in depth). This was however appropriate and not overwhelming.

James Briscoe

22 jul 2022

Derivatives, Risk and Clearing


Aleksandrs Kuprenkovs


01 mar 2022

Introduction to The Financial Markets - online course


Helle Madsen

Danske Bank

06 jan 2022

Credit Risk - Measurement and Management - Online Course

While my intention was to participate in person, this was sadly not permitted by my employer due to pandemics travel restrictions. But what I got at the end, was likely the best online course I have ever taken, nicely presented with clear narrative and examples. Thumbs up for Jorgen, keep the good work!

As far as the contents are concerned, there were surely applicable chapters, as I deal with PD and LGD models on a daily basis. Despite mostly working with low default portfolios (here is where my questions originate), I found the presented techniques and models interesting and of potential use, and in particular I liked the Excel supplement which finally displayed in practical terms some of the contents I was previously familiar with but never saw a practical example.

Gregor Cigüt

European Investment Bank

16 apr 2021

Introduction to The Financial Markets – Online Course

The course was great, both the pre-recorded lectures and the one-on-one webinar. Jørgen is a great teacher and very pedagogic.

Oskar Söderbom


Instruktør på dette kursus

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen Just Andresen

Jørgen er adm. direktør og stiftede Financial Training Partner A/S i 2002.

Han har mange års undervisningserfaring fra Financial Training Partner og som chefkonsulent i SimCorps kursusafdeling, hvor han startede i 1996. Før SimCorp arbejdede han i Danske Bank med salg og analyse af obligationer.

Jørgen har arbejdet i flere år som ekstern lektor på CBS (Copenhagen Business School), hvor han blev kåret som årets underviser på HD, Finansiel Rådgivning.

Han er forfatter til bøgerne Finansiel Risikostyring og Finansielle Derivater udgivet på Djøf Forlag.

Han er uddannet cand.merc.int og HD(R)

Jørgen underviser i Derivater, Risikostyring, Porteføljestyring og Fixed Income

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